Thursday, December 12, 2013

So you want to nanny your nieces..

When I first moved here, I spent some time catching up with people.
"So I see you moved to Chicago."
"Sure did!"
"So, um, what are you...doing?"
"Well, I'm still in school and I'm a nanny."
"A nanny?"
"Yeah. I watch my nieces. It's the best."
"What exactly do you do?"

So, although this is late-coming and perhaps only possible that way, here is the answer-book and ultimate reference to my up and coming book "So you want to nanny your nieces.."

So you want to nanny your nieces.
Get ready. This will surely present itself as a challenge.

Expect to say no...and even if you don't start out being able to say no as often as you should, you'll soon find yourself comfortable with the word..even though it's really really cute how she says 'cookie' and wants one before dinner. Trust me, it becomes easier to say as they get sassier.

Expect slobber. Slobber and snot and all things of that type. Expect that. Everywhere. Your clothes, your hands, your face, and all over your phone. That's coming soon and you might as well embrace the thought because there's no stopping it or delaying it. That's going to be a part of your life. But, don't worry. You'll get used to it. You may actually pick up your phone some days and wonder why it's dry.

Expect tears. Being the nanny means that you can't be in full aunt mode, which means that you can't always give them what they want even though they're really really cute. The cute thing works every time when you're in aunt mode, but being a nanny is a different thing. That will quite possibly mean tears when they really want to watch the puppy movie even though it's really time for them to be asleep. Don't worry. Tears dry and they will love you again when they wake up (unless the puppy movie is on, in which case, you will have to wait).

Expect surprises. Things like checking them while they're sleeping and finding one completely naked will, without a doubt, take you by surprise at first, but you will get used to it eventually. At some point, your brain will make the switch from having a reaction of surprise and slight fear to just finding it hilarious and will take a photo that will never be seen by anyone but your immediate family.

Expect blurry photos. At first, you will think everything they do is cute (and this will never go away..that's how aunts are made to see their nieces) and needs to be captured by your camera. You will soon realize that life doesn't stop for a camera. Photos will come out blurry and you will soon learn to just put your phone down and soak in the great moments as they come and before they leave. No time to unlock your phone and focus a camera. You'll learn. Don't worry.

Expect to want to go home. You will get tired. You will have rough days and they will have days that put your rough days to shame. It's okay to have rough days because we're all human and rough days are a part of life. Don't feel bad when you really really want to go home. It's going to happen. There will also be days when you stay late because you were just having so much fun dancing around to Christmas music in their room. It doesn't just even out-rough days become a small sliver of the equation. A sliver you will forget about during all of the other days.

Expect giggles. Expect snuggles. Expect kisses.
There are so many wonderful parts of this job that you will treasure forever. And if you're ever wondering if you're doing a good job, just remember:

If you go home with some kind of glitter on you, you know it was a great day. 

PS, always check your ears for yogurt at the end of the day. You can never be too sure.