Tuesday, February 18, 2014

General update about everything:

Long time no read, strangers! :)

So sorry it's been so long since I have blogged last - being back in Missouri and back in school full time has been a huge adjustment and blogging hadn't crossed my mind until today! 

General update: classes are going well. I start my sophomore experience in teaching this week and I am really excited! Although I am not allowed to talk about my experience at all on the internet, you will probably be able to tell how it's going if you see that I have dropped out of school completely. ..hopefully things go well. :)

Sara and Austin and Kate and Grace are in Kansas City this week, so that means I'm driving to Kansas City a lot and that's perfectly okay with me! I asked Grace yesterday what my name is (they know my name but there are a few varieties) and she said "My Kristen". MELTS MY HEART. 

My room situation at school is great. I have the whole room to myself and share a living area and a bathroom with (technically two, but the other girl is barely here) another girl who is great! We get along just smashingly! 

I had food poisoning this weekend, but hey, I lost 7 pounds! ..ha. 

I had my first vocal performance since last spring last Friday and it went great! It was amazing to see how far I have come in the last year and I am so thankful to my parents and to my Chicago voice teacher, Michael Sylvester, for pushing me to continue working on my voice even though I wasn't in a music program. 

I'm going back to the Dominican Republic this summer! I am SO excited. I will be there for about three months this time as the intern director! It has been a HUGE blessing to be able to work with new interns and help them figure out things and I can't wait to go back!! 

I have a lot of money to raise/earn, so if you have any odd jobs (or normal jobs) that I can do for you to raise money for my trip, please please please let me know. If you are interested in financially supporting me, shoot me a message on Facebook or give me a call at (816)853-7033. :)

Another way you can support me is by donating things that you don't want anymore to a garage sale that Emily Hogan and I will be having this Spring. We did a fundraising garage sale last year and we raised about 800$! So, if you have anything that you would want to get rid of, please let me know! 

If you have no idea what I'm talking about or what a 'Dominican Republic' is, here's a link to a blog I did last year about it: http://thisthingtheycallcollege.blogspot.com/2012/11/dominican-republic-im-going-back.html       There's also a shortened version of that on that blog somewhere. It's like a treasure hunt. Have fun. Haha! 

Anyway, I really appreciate you all and hope this update suffices for now. :)
But I must say goodbye because a Chipotle gift card is calling my name.. (THANK YOU MAMA!!)