Monday, September 2, 2013

September 2, 2013: Let me tell you about my best friend.

It's finally here. September. There were many days when I didn't think I'd make it to September, but here I am. Still in Chicago (by God's grace alone). I won't lie. It's been difficult. This last month has pushed me. I've spent many days and nights wondering what I'm doing here and I am so blessed to have people in my life who reassure me that God has a plan for my life. One of those people (which include my mama, my seester, my lovely mentors (the McMahons), and others!) is my best friend, Emily Hogan.

Emily and I have been best friends since first grade. That's fourteen years, y'all.

--side note--
I just said to myself in my head, "Fourteen years? That can't be right. I didn't know Emily when we were three." Oh, hey, Kristen? You're nineteen.
--end side note--

Anyway, she's my best friend. Has been for a really long time. I have always felt extremely comfortable around her family and it's the same with her in my family. We're sisters (Emily and I) and I know we will be for the rest of our lives.

Okay, that was enough cheesy talk for the rest of the year.

So, Emily has really been there for me when times have been hard here in Chicago. She's been supportive of me every single time I call her asking for some explanation of why I'm in this city. She truly has a heart for God and never fails to give me some perspective on the situation at hand.

I've missed her since I've been here and we were actually just talking about how being apart but in the same state is easier than being so far away. This last month of being apart has felt like three months at least.

But can I get a hallelujah for Labor Day Weekend?
Emily has family who lives in the suburbs of Chicago, only about an hour from where I live. This weekend, I was able to go up to the 'burbs and spend the weekend with Em and her family.

I'm not even going to try to act like I didn't cry when I saw her.

We had a great weekend and are planning her next trip up so she can stay in my itsy bitsy apartment with me. :)

Here are some photos from the weekend!

at auntie laura's house!

we did tie dye!


- Kristen

PS - Here's a song that will help you understand Emily and me and our friendship from seventh grade through present day.

enjoy that.

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