Saturday, November 16, 2013

November 17, 2013: That Facebook Trend.

There's a trend going around on Facebook right now where someone will post some number of random facts about themselves and whoever likes the post gets a number and has to put up that many random facts about themselves for the Facebook world to learn.

I haven't been very good at blogging consistently, so here are 15 things about me that you may or may not know.

**I ended up writing a lot more than I planned because I'm extremely narcissistic, so here's a shortened version for people who either don't like to read or just don't care that much.**

1. I have Hashimoto's.
2. I'm an introvert.
3. I like a man who can speak Spanish and dance.
4. My hands fall asleep a lot.
5. I went to a tiny school.
6. I've started dressing a lot better since I moved to Chi-town.
7. I live a simple life here.
8. I have a personal trainer here.
9. I <3 traveling.
10. I am clueless and ask for advice a lot.
11. I don't care about celebrities.
12. I have weird allergies.
13. Kristen: 1, Walmart: 0.
14. I appreciate proper grammar and spelling.
15. Surprise!

1. I have an auto-immune disease called Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. Basically my body is attacking my thyroid constantly and will for the rest of mi vida. Because of this, I have a really slow metabolism, am tired constantly, and get sick easily...unless I take my medicine. I hadn't been taking it in protest to my body and my other health probs, but I learned that protesting my body didn't make me feel better. It made me feel a lot worse. Aaaaand my doctor said that all of my organs could shut down, I could go into a coma and die if I just act like I don't have this disease. *enter Levothyroxin*

2. Despite what many people might assume, I'm an introvert. I can certainly be outgoing and friendly (and am most of the time), but being around people absolutely drains me. I have to be alone in order to recharge. I don't understand how being around new people can actually give energy to someone, but fortunately (for all of us) I'm not God and I don't have to understand everything.

3. The top two things on my 'wish list' for a future man in my life (of course, wish list meaning that this is the non-essential stuff..) is that he speaks another language (Spanish, preferably, but I'm not tooooo picky) and that he can dance. I love a man who can dance.

4. My hands fall asleep a lot. I wake up once or twice a night because my hands are asleep. Someone let me know if this is a real problem, otherwise, I'll just keep waking them up and going back to sleep.

5. I went to a teeny tiny school. There are a lot of pros and cons about going to a school like the one I went to. In a small school, everyone knows your business. Everyone is involved. That can be a good thing and can be a bad thing, you know, depending on what you're up to. There's more freedom, but there's more responsibility. People expect a lot from you. Teachers are watching your character as well as your school work. I found myself in the principal's office in 8th grade because a teacher was concerned about my heart. I don't think that would happen in a public school.

6. Since I moved to Chicago, I've definitely grown up a lot. I love the person I've become (and am still becoming). People assume I'm older than I am just because of the way I act. Part of me growing up is that I dress much better every day. I used to wear sweat pants and a hoodie and not really care about what I looked like, but I haven't stepped outside of my apartment building in anything like that. It's so important to dress the way that you want people to perceive you. And an adorable cardigan and a scarf never hurt anyone.

7. My life in Chicago is super low-key. I have kept things simple. It's perfect for someone like me (introvert) because I have lots of good quality time with myself. I call my connections that I've made here "being established" because I have a couple solid "groups" of people that know me, but I don't have a real social life. I have my church family and Sara and Austin and recently my gym people.

8. Speaking of the gym, I have started working out with a personal trainer. His name is Michael. He's fantastic. I worked out with a PT my sophomore and junior years of high school and lost a significant amount of weight and was in really good shape. Then I had ankle surgery and, well, yeah.. So, I'm working out with a PT here and have been for about a week. I know I don't have a lot of time left here, but I'm making every second count (and counting my calories like a crazy person)! But today I accidentally didn't eat until about 6pm so that was bad.

9. I love traveling. I have been to the Dominican Republic 5 times, soon to be 6. I adore the Dominican culture. I think it's such a cool privilege to be able to travel and experience new places, which is one of the reasons I moved to Chicago! I have an opportunity to live in THE CHICAGO, so why not!? I have a passion for missions and would love to spend at least a year or two on the mission field after college at some point.

10. I ask for advice a lot. I am so fortunate to have so many adults in my life who pour into me on a regular basis and I love chatting with them about things I can improve on. I am really close to my mom and I can talk to her about anything. I know that's really special so I try not to take her for granted. She has given me so much advice about life and boys and school and boys and budgets and anything that I could possibly need guidance on.

11. I think celebrities are stupid. Well, let me rephrase that. I think that it's stupid that people care about celebrities' lives. I do not care that some celebrity did something stupid. You telling me that Kim Kardashian is preggs with Kanye West's baby is like telling me that a girl from Alaska that I've never met is pregnant. Congratulations, but I have no idea who you are and you have no idea who I am. Let's carry on with our lives.

12. I'm deathly allergic to icecream. There's some preservative in icecream that makes my throat swell up in about a minute. It's pretty bad. Same thing with avocados. But that's what my epi-pens are for! Oh, I'm also allergic to gluten and dairy but YOLO, am I right?

13. I worked at Walmart in St. Joe for three months. I learned a lot when I worked there - mainly how to relate to other people..especially people who were unlike me. Here's the secret to surviving in any social situation anywhere ever: Ask questions, listen to their answers, and care about what they are saying. Even if you're listening to someone explain why dog food is a pretty good snack, listen, hold back all of your judgement until you can talk to you mom about it, and stay active in the conversation. Oh, and another thing I learned about people who were not like me...if someone is making you uncomfortable, it's okay to be rude or blunt and tell them to stop or leave. They're being rude too. There were a few occasions when this was the case at the ol' Wally world. I don't know if I actually had the power to do this, but I kicked a guy out of the store one time. Ohhhh Walmart.

14. If you're going to text me, please use proper grammar and good spelling. Please.

15. I'm pregnant.


Have a good night!

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