Thursday, August 1, 2013

August 1st: The day I've been waiting for!

Today has been long awaited. As I was unpacking "those gray things" (tubs..but my mom and I decided to never say that word again because we're so sick of having to deal with them) today, I came to realize that it felt like it had been forever since I had started packing, planning, searching for an apartment, and really praying about this big move. This all started when I was in the DR this summer, (of course I had always wanted to be in Chicago ever since my sister moved here) and I really started to feel like God had a fresh start or a "Chapter Two" ready for me.

One thing after another, everything started falling into place. I prayed daily asking God to make it happen if it was the right thing. I talked to my parents about it and they were extremely supportive. I made a plan for my education, met with my advisor and even he was extremely supportive. A connection was made between my KC voice teacher and a voice teacher at the school I want to end up at, DePaul University, and I got a sample lesson (audition, more or less) with him. He invited me to join his studio (he said yes) and I can't wait to work with him more. (His student, Branden James is on America's Got Talent! Vote for him!) I quit my job at Walmart (probably the easiest thing I have ever done) and started saying my goodbyes to all of my Kansas City friends. 

I shed a lot of tears on the way here, but now that I'm finally in Chicago, I know that this is where I am supposed to be. I love this city and I can't wait to see what will happen next. 

So today, I moved into my (TINY) studio apartment and my oh-so-wonderful brother-in-law, Austin Hey, helped me (did it for me) put together my bed and desk! He's the best! My mumsy and seester unpacked my stuff for me and my cranky maintenance man made his appearance as well. "Anymore problems wait until tomorrow." WELL. 

Here are some photos!

On the way to my apartment from the airport! SO EXCITED!

basically how we found it, plus my bed in the box.

i had forgotten how tiny it is!

The closet and bathroom are on the left (right when you walk in).

the lovely baƱo which has since gotten a makeover!

closet! now filled with clothes and whatnot


my super great family! 

thanks Mama and Sara for helping me unpack!

my bed. haven't gotten the mattress yet.

this shows the size pretty well. it's tiny.

final arrangement (pre room divider and kitchen table)
note Annalise's artwork!

yay apartment yay yay apartmentttt

here you can see where the closet/bathroom are.

so much storage!

I will keep you all updated! Thanks for your support.

In tomorrow's post, read about how I somehow avoided a panic attack after losing my key in the first five minutes I was there.

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