Sunday, August 4, 2013

August 4th

Today was a really good day. I slept in, made some hummus stuff, and just relaxed a little. My Ikea shipment came (!!!) and I put together the small table that I had ordered and waited for Austin for the big room divider that I'd purchased. It's six foot by six foot and eighteen inches deep. And it weighs A LITERAL TON.

Sara, Austin, the girls, and I all somehow managed to squeeze ourselves into my apartment and Austin and I got to work. This stupid divider took forever and was a pain in the butt.. but we finally got it all put together. And it looks great now! Tomorrow night I'll be able to clean and get everything all organized and finally put together (as far as where things go).

I absolutely love it here. I love this city and the people and the overall atmosphere.
Oh, and being so close to family is good too. :)

Here are some photos from today!

P.S. I start nannying tomorrow! Get to spend all day with the girls :)

put this table together by myself! note the adorable yellow chairs!

went grocery shopping.


today's lunch! deeeelish

at aunt k's house! they got to watch arthur!

we had about a foot of extra space 

happy girls

my bed"room"

my "kitchen area"

my kitchen for real


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